I have had a uniquely close relationship as Medical Director with our local Fire, Rescue, Hazmat, and Codes Department for over 36 years.  I have benefited greatly, and feel very enriched by this relationship.  It has been a defining part of my life.  I only hope I have given as I have received,

In addition, I have been the Medical Director for 5 BLS area EMS squads, 2 BLS-ALS EMS area squads, one industrial non-transporting area EMS squad, and our local EMS Educational Program at our local Community College since the inception of the program over 20 years ago.  For all of these, I was the first Medical Director and have marveled at the dedication and time these volunteers put into helping their fellow citizens.  It has been a privilege to have assisted them in their service to their communities.


I have served on 4 different boards in our state EMS/DHHS since 1978.  I feel fortunate to have been able to contribute in this manner at this level.  Many have been the wonderful practitioners of all EMS levels and State EMS professionals whose association over the years has helped me to grow.